
Headshot of Jon Kiddy

Official Bio

Mr. Jonathan R. Kiddy is the Director of IT Operations at Roswell Park, within the Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Deptartment, located in Buffalo, New York.

In his role, Mr. Kiddy leads mission-critical operations for the Clinical Trial Development Division. His responsibilities include leading and managing all aspects of Information Technology, including cloud infrastructure, custom software development, IT support services, and information security.

Additionally, Mr. Kiddy is a contributing member of the NRG Oncology Statistics and Data Management Center. Mr. Kiddy also serves on the NCI Cancer Moonshot technical committee for IOTN, ARTNet, DRSN, and CAP-IT.

With over 15+ years of experience as a software engineer, Mr. Kiddy made the jump into IT management in 2019. His career spans several highly regulated industries, including education, finance, and healthcare. Mr. Kiddy holds a B.S. from Buffalo State University and an M.S. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

LinkedIn Profile:

Personal Bio

I am a husband, father, friend, mentor, executive, software engineer, data analyst, systems administrator, and entrepreneur, avid reader and lifelong learner. I am driven by my passion for technology, innovation, and helping others.

I find fulfillment in spending time with my family, reading books, writing code, and exploring new ideas. I believe deeply in the transformative power of education and the value of engaging with my local community. I have found the Bible to be incredibly inspiring, philosophically challenging, and useful for daily living. In my free time, I enjoy soccer (aka football), attempt to learn/play the cello, and play board games with friends.

Site Origin & Tech Stack

I originally started this blog as a way to capture my thoughts on software development in a vain attempt to thwart Eagleson's Law (quoted below) ...while my attempt has been unsuccessful, it has been entertaining. I hope you discover something useful here. Enjoy!

Any code of your own that you haven't looked at for six or more months might as well have been written by someone else.
~ Eagleson's Law

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